Hi, there.

This is my blog for the Youth, Popular Culture and Text course offered by QUT in the year 2013. I have previously done a blog for another uni course called Information Programs, which I enjoyed a lot. I hope this one is as good as that one is.

Please note that although this is an education subject and deals with Teacher-Librarians (TLs), I am neither a teacher nor a librarian yet, and opinions here are based mainly on my own experience and thoughts, without too much (or any) professional experience.

If you’re interested in finding out what else I’ve done/am doing around the web, you can my static landing page here.


    • I came into the course wanting to be a librarian, but since seeing how diverse the information sector is, I’m starting to lean towards game design and cultural critique. I don’t know if that’s a thing, but it seems more up my alley than librarianism. I’d still like to work in one, but in a creative capacity. Cataloging kills my soul.

      • Librarianism – I love that word haha. I know what you mean about diverse options – I’ve worked in public and academic libraries for 7 years, but now through this course I can see so many other options in information work. I say follow what you find most interesting and it’ll probably lead somewhere fun!

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